TRK is your connection to French language cultures from around the world!
Directed by : Florence Miailhe Produced by: XBO Films, Sacrebleu Productions Details : 15 min /2024/ France In French with English Subtitles.
🇫🇷 Dans la mer, un homme nage. Au fur et à mesure de sa progression les souvenirs remontent à la surface. De sa petite enfance à sa vie d’homme, tous ses souvenirs sont liés à l’eau. Certains sont heureux, d’autres glorieux, d’autres traumatiques. Cette histoire sera celle de sa dernière nage. Elle nous mènera de la source à la rivière - des eaux des bassins de l’enfance à ceux des piscines - d’un pays d’Afrique du nord aux rivages de la Méditerranée - des stades olympiques aux bassins de rétention d’eau - des camp de concentration aux plages rêvées de la Réunion.
🇺🇸 In the sea, a man swims. As he does, memories come to the surface.From his early childhood to his life as a man, all his memories are linked to water.Some are happy, some glorious, some traumatic.This story will be that of his last swim. It will take us from the source to the river - from the waters of childhood pools to those of swimming pools - from a North African country to the shores of the Mediterranean - from Olympic stadiums to water retention basins - from concentration camp to the dream beaches of Reunion.
Awarded at Annecy International Animation Film Festival (France) and Berlin International Film Festival (Germany)
Directed by : Christel Guibert Produced by: Popiul, Folimage S.A.S Details: 08 mins 39 / 2024 / France In French with English subtitles.
🇫🇷 Explorant les différences et la difficulté à communiquer, des personnages mi-humains mi-animaux se retrouvent lors d'un speed-dating chorégraphié. Un homme-tamanoir, épris d’une femme-musaraigne, s'engage malgré lui dans le ballet de ces rencontres.
🇺🇸 Half-animal, half-human creatures meet at a speed-dating dance event where they explore their differences and difficulties communicating. When a lovestruck man-cum-anteater falls for a woman-cum-shrew, he gets caught up in this courtship ballet.
Selected forAix-en-Provence Tous Courts Short Film Festival (France), Huesca Festival International du Court Métrage (Spain), Regard Festival International du court-metrage au Saguenay (Canada)
Directed by : Izù Troin Produced by: Folimage S.A.S, Popiul, Les armateurs Details:23 mins 22 seconds /2023/ France In French with English subtitles.
🇫🇷 1929. Dans son magasin de photographie, Kléber, bouleversé par sa rencontre avec Lucie, lui propose de la prendre chaque jour en photo, tout au long de sa vie et jusqu’à sa mort, afin de créer une œuvre unique, un film témoignage du passage du temps…
🇺🇸 Kleber, a photographer, sees his world turned upside down when Lucy walks into his studio in 1929. He offers to take her portrait every day for the rest of her life until she dies, to create a unique work of art. A film capturing the passage of time.
Unifrance du court-métrage Award (France), and selected for the Short Short Film Festival (Japan)
Directed by : Osman Cerfon Produced by: Miyu Productions Details : 04 min 41 seconds /2023/ France In French with English Subtitles.
🇫🇷 Aaaah ! c’est des cris de douleur, la surprise, l’effroi, la joie, des chants, des râles, des rires, la colère. Aaaah ! c’est l’expression avec laquelle les enfants, ces êtres primaires et innocents, font l’expérience de la vie en collectivité, bien encadrés par les coups de sifflets des adultes.
🇺🇸 Aaaah! means cries of pain, surprise, fright, joy, singing, grumbling, laughter and anger. Aaaah! is the expression with which children, those primal and innocent beings, experience life in a community, well supervised by the whistles of adults.
Selected for Festival International du court métrage de Clermont-Ferrand (France) and Festival du Film d’Animation de Bruxelles (Belgium)
Directed by : Emma Guyot Dlh, Céline Korno, Lou Dhelens, Louise Petit, Lucie Tantot, Juliette A. Laurent Produced by: Gobelins, l’école de l’image Details: 05 mins 06 seconds/2023/ France In French with English subtitles.
🇫🇷 Notre équipe suit le jeune chef Childeric à la veille d'un assaut décisif. Vocation, loyauté et sacrifices, Childeric nous fait découvrir le quotidien d’un camp de chevaliers au Moyen-Age.
🇺🇸 Our team follows the young commander Childeric the day before a determining attack. Childeric shows us the daily life of medieval knights getting ready for battle.
Selected for Festival d'animation de Rennes métropole (France), Court'Echelle (France) and 31st Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (Germany)
Directed by : Benoît Michelet Produced by: Eddy Production Details: 15 mins 50 seconds/2023/ France In French with English subtitles.
🇫🇷 Le quotidien de Céline est comme un long silence pesant. Son père, Jean-Pierre, est un peu bonhomme et maladroit. Sa mère, Anne-Marie, est excessivement sévère. Heureusement, son petit frère Paul est là, prêt à vivre les derniers instants d’une époque bientôt révolue.
🇺🇸 Céline's daily life is like a long, heavy silence. Her father, Jean-Pierre, is a good-natured, clumsy sort. Her mother, Anne-Marie, is excessively strict. Fortunately, her little brother Paul is there, ready to live out the last moments of an era that will soon be over.
Selected for Festival Comett (France) in 2024
Directed by : Yana Ugrekhelidze Produced by: Fortis Fem Film, Sacrebleu Productions Details: 12 mins 30 seconds / 2023/ France In French with English Subtitles.
🇫🇷 Une circonstance accidentelle sauve la vie imaginaire d'une famille lors d'une famine provoquée par les staliniens.
🇺🇸 An accidental circumstance saves the imaginary life of a family during a famine, induced by the Stalinists.
Selected for Afundacíon International Animated Film Festival (Spain) and the 31st Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (Germany)
Directed by : Nathan Gali Produced by: GREC Details: 25 mins /2023/ France In French with English subtitles.
🇫🇷 Une mystérieuse communauté d’animaux s’affaire à des rituels dans les sous-sols d’une église, à l’abri des humains.
🇺🇸 A mysterious community of animals engages in rituals in the basements of a church, sheltered from humans. These animals have chosen to live self-sufficiently in this cellar.
Awarded at Animatou Festival (Suisse), Festival International du court-metrage de Vila do Conde (Portugal) Selected for Festival du cinéma indépendant IndieCork (Irlande), TISFF (Grèce) and Festival du film de Telluride (USA)