TRK is your connection to French language cultures from around the world!
Directed by : Nixon Singa
Details: 20’56 min/ 2024/ France
Cast: Gwendoline Kappé, Jade Samba-Seale
In French with English Subtitles
À 15 ans, Gioia, adolescente noire, mène une vie monotone au lycée. Le soir, elle se passionne pour la danse Afro. Lorsqu’elle partage ce hobby avec Amandine, une élève populaire, leurs mondes s’entrechoquent. Le film explore des thèmes universels tels que la paix intérieure, les conflits internes et l'impact des relations humaines sur notre évolution personnelle.
At 15, Gioia, a Black teenager, leads a monotonous life at school. In the evening, she is passionate about Afro dance. When she shares this hobby with Amandine, a popular student, their worlds collide. The film explores universal themes like inner peace, internal conflicts, and the impact of human relationships on personal growth.
Presented at the International Short Film Festival in Clermont-Ferrand in 2024.
Mort d’un acteur
Directed by : Ambroise Rateau
Details: 22 min/ 2024/ France
Cast: Finnegan Oldfield, Afrika Baso Gohier, Marc Riso, Anne Charrier, Alexandre Steiger, Anne Lise Maulin
In French with English Subtitles
Philippe Rebbot est annoncé mort par les médias et les réseaux sociaux. Premier problème: il va très bien. Second problème : la rumeur prend de l’ampleur, malgré ses tentatives de démenti.
Philippe Rebbot is announced dead by the media and social networks. First problem: he’s very much alive. Second problem: the rumor gains momentum, despite his attempts to deny it.
Official Selection for the International Short Film Festival in Clermont-Ferrand in 2025.
Official Selection for the Catalonian International Film Festival in 2024.
Official Selection for the Bogota Short Film Festival in 2024.
Directed by : Léon Exbrayat
Details: 17’55 min/ 2024/ France
Cast: Sacha Wolff, Florence Quéritem, Potrick Breton, Caroline Rodet, Shone Copin, Hekuran Isufi
In French with English Subtitles
Cafard rêve de devenir le plus grand acteur français. Il enchaîne les échecs lors de ses castings, et décide avec l'aide de son grand frère de tenter le tout pour le tout en se métamorphosant.
Cafard dreams of becoming the greatest French actor. He keeps failing at his auditions and decides, with the help of his older brother, to go all in by transforming himself.
Coup de Coeur Award at the Soirée des Cinéastes Festival 2024.
L’homme de merde
Directed by : Sorel França
Details: 21’44 min/ 2024/ France
Cast: Camille Constantin Da Silva
In French with English Subtitles
Entre la fac et un travail dans un hôtel de luxe, Fernanda se demande si elle parviendra un jour à accomplir quelque chose de significatif dans sa vie. L’arrivée impromptue de L’Homme de merde va lui donner une occasion inespérée.
Between university and a job at a luxury hotel, Fernanda wonders if she'll ever accomplish something meaningful in her life. The unexpected arrival of The Man of Shit will give her an unforeseen opportunity.
Grand Prize of the French Short Film Competition. Bordeaux International Independent Film Festival 2024.
Directed by : Benjamin Clavel
Details: 16’23 min/ 2024/ France
Cast: Aurore Frémont, Augustin Boyer, Elie Benchimol, Philippe Dusseau
In French with English Subtitles
Pour conserver son poste dans une télévision locale, Audrey se retrouve à présenter un reportage racoleur. Et ce qui devait être un sujet bateau tourne au naufrage.
In the hope of keeping her job as a freelancer journalist for a local TV station, Audrey finds herself presenting a lurid advertorial. But what was supposed to be a run-of-the-mill subject soon turns into a disaster.
Presented at Trouville Off-Courts Film Festival France, 2024
Presented at São Paulo International Short Film Festival Brazil, 2024
Pète au casque
Directed by : Aline Barré
Details: 2’20 min/ 2024/ France
Cast: Augustin Hay, Fabian Hellou, Michèle Giraud, Cyril Le Maignan
In French with English Subtitles
À 6 ans, Augustin rêve de devenir un grand sprinter. Difficile pour un jeune homme qui a très peur du coup de feu que lance son entraîneur à chaque « Top départ », en plus de ses propos rabaissants à répétition. Une supportrice va alors intervenir et changer sa vie.Grâce au casque anti-bruit emprunté à son entraîneur et au regard soutenant de cette femme, Augustin va alors réaliser son rêve.
At 6 years old, Augustin dreams of becoming a great sprinter. It’s difficult for a young boy who’s terrified of the starting gun his coach fires at each "Go!" and is constantly belittled by his comments. A supporter steps in and changes his life. Thanks to the noise-canceling headset borrowed from his coach and the encouraging gaze of this woman, Augustin will finally achieve his dream.
Presented at the Nikon Film Festival 2024.
La Bouteille
Directed by : Xavies Mesme
Details: 6 min/ 2024/ France
Cast: Frédéric Attard
In French with English Subtitles
Un jogger voit la bouteile d’eau qu’il vient de jeter dans les champs de blés mysterieusement relancée sur le chemin.
A jogger in the middle of his run sees the empty waer bottle he throws into the wheat field mysteriously come back onto the trail.
Wesh Rimbaud
Directed by : Dimitri Lucas
Details: 16 min/ 2024/ France
Cast: Victor Bonnel
In French with English Subtitles
Arthur habite dans une ville de banlieue où tout le monde le surnomme Rimbaud, car il a toujours été un élève brillant. Il vient d’ailleurs d’être admis en hypokhâgne dans un prestigieux lycée où il pensait s’intégrer sans difficulté. Mais au cours d’un examen oral, son accent va trahir ses origines sociales.
Arthur lives in a suburban town where everyone calls him Rimbaud because he’s always been a brilliant student. He’s just been admitted to a prestigious high school’s preparatory class, where he thought he’d fit in easily. But during an oral exam, his accent betrays his social origins.
Official Selection for the Meudon Humor Short Film Festival.